Remote Relating Resources

Here are some tools and guides for your journey of designing experiences for the people in your life.


Amy’s TEDx Talk: The Power of Pronoia: How to Design for Meaning

Immersive Design Summit YouTube channel


No Proscenium podcast

Priya Parker’s Together Apart podcast


Ida Benedetto’s Patterns of Transformation

Odyssey Works: website + works

The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker (book)

Experience design vs. event planning (from a branding perspective)

Virtual Events

Directory of remote/online experiences: No Proscenium

Dancing Alone Together: central resource for the digital dance world

Creative Distancing

Luxury restaurant uses mid-century mannequins to share space with distanced diners

Risk Tolerance

A baseline chart to assess individual tolerance on a scale from 0-5


What is the pacing or rhythm of your life now? What aspects of this new rhythm do you enjoy?

What narratives are new or have been renewed in your life?

Are there any objects in your physical environment that have taken on new meaning for you?

How are you creating new contexts for actions you were previously given context for? (Example: Creating a space for a home gym, etc.)

Has any aspect of you, that you had maybe forgotten, resurfaced as important?

What is something you want to keep with you as we move forward?

If your week/month were a song, what would be the chorus? The bridge? The crescendo?

Has there been someone you’ve meaningfully connected with during this time that you never would have otherwise?

How have you noticed your close relationships change, grow closer, more distant?

When during the day do you feel most like yourself?

What kinds of objects give you the most comfort now?

What has been resting during this time and wants to be reborn in you?

How are you pushing your comfort zones or engaging in healthy transgression, if at all?

What do you most want to return from pre-pandemic life—and what do you most not want to return?

How do you receive love and care? Have the ways you prefer to be cared for shifted during this time?

“What have you discovered about life that would otherwise have been invisible?” —credit, O.W.


I’m currently offering online workshops for solo entrepreneurs, teams and organizations. I’d love to help you use experience design to keep your work relevant during this time, connect more deeply within your communities, and develop dialogue around empathy, curiosity and intimacy for authentic collaboration. Please reach out via my Contact form if you are interested.